Cat owners must provide proof of current FVRCP and Rabies vaccination on their cat Veterinarian’s receipt or printout. Full immune protection can take up to 14 days after vaccination to develop. Follow your vets advice on frequency and timing of booster shots. For better protection of your cat, No Cat less than 12 years old Will Be Allowed in the Cat Boarding Area without this proof. Elderly cats with a reliable previous vaccinations history can be exempted on the advice of their veterinarian. Your Cat Veterinarian can Email a
PDF of this information to PurrInn Cats Hostelry.
| PurrInn Cats Hostelry is prepared to administer routine topical ointments or oral medications for chronic conditions, but we are not equipped to care for actually sick cats.
| Cat Owners must complete an
Emergency Treatment Permission form to be kept on file at the Boarding Cattery.
| Cats older than 4 months must be spayed or neutered.
| All cats must come into PurrInn Cats Hostelry in a clean plastic or fabric, escape-proof cat carrier (not cardboard or "cat-bag"). Each cat carrier should be labeled and will be stored during your cat's vacation at our luxury cat hotel for use during an emergency. If you are owned by more than one cat, each cat needs to have its own clean pet cat carrier. Dirty carriers with old dry soilage or flea dirt inside, or that are dirty outside, will be cleaned at Owner's expense (no charge for cleaning fresh travel induced soilage). Cats have a very acute sense of smell and will object strenuously to entering a carrier that smells of fear pheromones, vomit, urine or feces. Place an easily washed small towel or disposable absorbent pad in the carrier during transport for your cats comfort and to absorb any "accidents".
| | Each cat must be free of fleas and "flea dirt" before enjoying brush/play time in our cat play area. Unfortunately, indoor-outdoor cats often encounter and catch stray fleas, even indoor-only cats may harbor fleas introduced to their homes aboard unwary owners or visitors, and unwittingly infested cats may inadvertently carry fleas into a cattery.
Click here for [how to check your cat for Fleas]. Should you find an infestation on your cat, where your cat sleeps, or anywhere your cat can access, your cat may carry adults or droppings despite treatments. We'd advise you bathe or diligently comb kitty with a soapy solution, clean and treat its’ carrier with flea powder that is labeled "safe for cats and kittens", and do not bring any cat bedding with you. We reserve the right to separate cats being boarded together (from the same family) if it becomes necessary for their well-being.
| If this is your cats first boarding experience, please review PurrInn Cats Hostelry's [Ten tips for Boarding Your Cat]as you begin planning your trip or vacation.
| Please complete
and Email a PDF of all [Boarding forms]
at your earliest convenience. We will e-mail them to you or you can print copies from the website. Click on the links below to see and print the forms.